Our LASIK services are provided by Dr. Reza Rahmani at the Rahmani Eye Institute. The doctors at Accent Eyecare have been partnered with Dr. Rahmani for nearly 20 years. He is truly the best LASIK surgeon around and the only one we recommend! We have a thorough understanding of the LASIK process and we are here to guide you through it. Feel free to ask us for a list of our very happy clients, there are thousands of them!
For the right person, LASIK is a powerful procedure that can eliminate your need for glasses and contact lenses. Please call our office today to schedule a free consultation to see if you are a candidate for LASIK surgery. At your free consultation we will perform a few basic measurements of the eye to determine if LASIK is right for you. You will have a chance to speak to Dr. Rahmani and ask as many questions as you would like!
Call now for your free LASIK surgery consultation: 248-293-3399